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KU Basketball 1997-98

Season summary

Specialty stats: Team stats | Team highs/lows | Individual highs | Pro-rated stats | Category leaders

Pro-rated statistics
(per minute)

Pts OReb - TReb Ast TO Blk Stl FG - Att - Pct 3FG - Att - Pct FT - Att - Pct PF
Pierce, Paul0.6730.087 - 0.2190.0850.0950.0370.0360.248 - 0.484 - 51.30.035 - 0.102 - 33.90.141 - 0.191 - 73.80.077
LaFrentz, Raef0.6550.140 - 0.3770.0330.0840.0500.0300.256 - 0.467 - 54.80.009 - 0.019 - 47.10.134 - 0.181 - 73.80.078
Thomas, Billy0.5080.033 - 0.1120.1050.0500.0040.0620.188 - 0.402 - 46.80.109 - 0.272 - 40.10.023 - 0.033 - 68.80.043
Robertson, Ryan0.2650.009 - 0.0890.2030.0760.0100.0450.085 - 0.187 - 45.40.041 - 0.095 - 43.10.054 - 0.074 - 73.30.072
Earl, Lester0.3650.117 - 0.3120.0450.0710.0500.0350.141 - 0.284 - 49.70.000 - 0.0000.083 - 0.128 - 65.20.065
Gregory, Kenny0.4490.055 - 0.1260.0830.0660.0130.0310.194 - 0.386 - 50.40.024 - 0.078 - 31.30.036 - 0.088 - 40.70.057
Chenowith, Eric0.3460.092 - 0.2880.0440.0920.0930.0200.134 - 0.295 - 45.40.000 - 0.002 - 0.00.078 - 0.114 - 68.40.146
Pugh, T.J.0.2370.084 - 0.2060.0260.0550.0120.0180.095 - 0.194 - 48.90.001 - 0.010 - 14.30.045 - 0.077 - 58.90.114
Bradford, Nick0.3010.071 - 0.1750.1190.1040.0150.0640.122 - 0.270 - 45.30.004 - 0.027 - 13.30.053 - 0.088 - 60.40.106
Nooner, Terry0.4580.042 - 0.0830.0830.1040.0000.1040.146 - 0.396 - 36.80.125 - 0.333 - 37.50.042 - 0.042 - 100.00.042
McGrath, C.B.0.0790.015 - 0.1000.1850.0730.0000.0610.024 - 0.055 - 44.40.000 - 0.015 - 0.00.030 - 0.052 - 58.80.106
Janisse, Jelani0.2080.056 - 0.2640.1110.2780.0280.0690.069 - 0.111 - 62.50.028 - 0.028 - 100.00.042 - 0.069 - 60.00.181
Martin, Chris0.3610.111 - 0.2500.2220.1390.0000.0560.111 - 0.472 - 23.50.000 - 0.083 - 0.00.139 - 0.222 - 62.50.111
Team 0.038 - 0.078 0.003      
Jayhawks2.1090.386 - 1.0750.4770.3980.1410.2010.798 - 1.620 - 49.30.146 - 0.390 - 37.50.366 - 0.538 - 68.10.416
Opponents1.6790.333 - 0.8520.3270.4260.0780.2020.632 - 1.573 - 40.20.135 - 0.430 - 31.40.281 - 0.429 - 65.40.475

Pro-rated statistics
(per 40 minutes)

Pts OReb - TReb Ast TO Blk Stl FG - Att - Pct 3FG - Att - Pct FT - Att - Pct PF
Pierce, Paul26.93.5 - - 19.4 - 51.31.4 - 4.1 - 33.95.6 - 7.7 - 73.83.1
LaFrentz, Raef26.25.6 - - 18.7 - 54.80.4 - 0.8 - 47.15.3 - 7.2 - 73.83.1
Thomas, Billy20.31.3 - - 16.1 - 46.84.4 - 10.9 - 40.10.9 - 1.3 - 68.81.7
Robertson, Ryan10.60.4 - - 7.5 - 45.41.6 - 3.8 - 43.12.2 - 2.9 - 73.32.9
Earl, Lester14.64.7 - - 11.4 - 49.70.0 - 0.03.3 - 5.1 - 65.22.6
Gregory, Kenny18.02.2 - - 15.4 - 50.41.0 - 3.1 - 31.31.4 - 3.5 - 40.72.3
Chenowith, Eric13.93.7 - - 11.8 - 45.40.0 - 0.1 - 0.03.1 - 4.6 - 68.45.8
Pugh, T.J.9.53.4 - - 7.8 - 48.90.1 - 0.4 - 14.31.8 - 3.1 - 58.94.6
Bradford, Nick12.02.8 - - 10.8 - 45.30.1 - 1.1 - 13.32.1 - 3.5 - 60.44.2
Nooner, Terry18.31.7 - - 15.8 - 36.85.0 - 13.3 - 37.51.7 - 1.7 - 100.01.7
McGrath, C.B.3.20.6 - - 2.2 - 44.40.0 - 0.6 - 0.01.2 - 2.1 - 58.84.3
Janisse, Jelani8.32.2 - 10.64.411. - 4.4 - 62.51.1 - 1.1 - 100.01.7 - 2.8 - 60.07.2
Martin, Chris14.44.4 - - 18.9 - 23.50.0 - 3.3 - 0.05.6 - 8.9 - 62.54.4
Team 1.5 - 3.1 0.1      
Jayhawks84.315.4 - - 64.8 - 49.35.9 - 15.6 - 37.514.6 - 21.5 - 68.116.6
Opponents67.213.3 - - 62.9 - 40.25.4 - 17.2 - 31.411.2 - 17.2 - 65.419.0

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Season summary

Specialty stats: Team stats | Team highs/lows | Individual highs | Pro-rated stats | Category leaders

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