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KU Basketball 1995-96

Season summary

Specialty stats: Team stats | Team highs/lows | Individual highs | Pro-rated stats | Category leaders

Pro-rated statistics
(per minute)

Pts OReb - TReb Ast TO Blk Stl FG - Att - Pct 3FG - Att - Pct FT - Att - Pct PF
LaFrentz, Raef0.4950.101 - 0.3030.0150.0680.0290.0320.206 - 0.379 - 54.30.002 - 0.008 - 28.60.081 - 0.122 - 66.10.094
Pierce, Paul0.4690.094 - 0.2090.0710.0930.0310.0510.166 - 0.396 - 41.90.041 - 0.133 - 30.40.096 - 0.159 - 60.60.095
Vaughn, Jacque0.3430.012 - 0.0980.2070.0880.0060.0420.111 - 0.231 - 48.20.036 - 0.085 - 42.40.084 - 0.122 - 69.50.067
Haase, Jerod0.4050.043 - 0.1370.1370.0770.0040.0750.116 - 0.326 - 35.60.061 - 0.208 - 29.30.113 - 0.150 - 75.00.066
Pollard, Scot0.4100.101 - 0.3030.0120.0860.1010.0310.147 - 0.261 - 56.40.000 - 0.0000.115 - 0.181 - 63.60.123
Williams, B.J.0.2900.100 - 0.2380.0250.0590.0660.0520.112 - 0.231 - 48.50.000 - 0.0000.066 - 0.098 - 67.30.112
Thomas, Billy0.4470.031 - 0.1420.0590.0560.0140.0360.151 - 0.422 - 35.80.117 - 0.349 - 33.60.028 - 0.039 - 71.40.078
Pearson, Sean0.4700.067 - 0.1460.0730.0670.0120.0460.186 - 0.451 - 41.20.067 - 0.241 - 27.80.030 - 0.067 - 45.50.137
Robertson, Ryan0.4820.053 - 0.1420.1060.0360.0030.0530.132 - 0.271 - 48.80.063 - 0.139 - 45.20.155 - 0.201 - 77.00.106
Pugh, T.J.0.3380.099 - 0.2270.0230.0670.0170.0470.120 - 0.259 - 46.10.012 - 0.026 - 44.40.087 - 0.178 - 49.20.140
Whatley, T.J.0.5000.111 - 0.2220.0280.1670.0280.0280.111 - 0.444 - 25.00.028 - 0.194 - 14.30.250 - 0.306 - 81.80.111
Rayford, Calvin0.1050.030 - 0.1010.2530.0930.0040.0630.051 - 0.105 - 48.00.000 - 0.008 - 0.00.004 - 0.038 - 11.10.101
Ransom, Steve0.5000.115 - 0.2690.0770.1920.0380.1920.115 - 0.385 - 30.00.000 - 0.038 - 0.00.269 - 0.385 - 70.00.115
McGrath, C.B.0.2900.000 - 0.1610.1940.0650.0000.0320.065 - 0.355 - 18.20.032 - 0.226 - 14.30.129 - 0.194 - 66.70.032
Team 0.042 - 0.078 0.005      
Jayhawks2.0080.382 - 1.0590.4400.3880.1490.2370.703 - 1.548 - 45.40.161 - 0.494 - 32.60.440 - 0.671 - 65.60.477
Opponents1.6260.319 - 0.9140.2910.4590.0860.1800.569 - 1.471 - 38.70.125 - 0.367 - 34.10.362 - 0.532 - 68.00.532

Pro-rated statistics
(per 40 minutes)

Pts OReb - TReb Ast TO Blk Stl FG - Att - Pct 3FG - Att - Pct FT - Att - Pct PF
LaFrentz, Raef19.84.1 - - 15.2 - 54.30.1 - 0.3 - 28.63.2 - 4.9 - 66.13.8
Pierce, Paul18.73.8 - - 15.8 - 41.91.6 - 5.3 - 30.43.9 - 6.4 - 60.63.8
Vaughn, Jacque13.70.5 - - 9.2 - 48.21.4 - 3.4 - 42.43.4 - 4.9 - 69.52.7
Haase, Jerod16.21.7 - - 13.0 - 35.62.4 - 8.3 - 29.34.5 - 6.0 - 75.02.6
Pollard, Scot16.44.0 - - 10.4 - 56.40.0 - 0.04.6 - 7.2 - 63.64.9
Williams, B.J.11.64.0 - - 9.3 - 48.50.0 - 0.02.6 - 3.9 - 67.34.5
Thomas, Billy17.91.2 - - 16.9 - 35.84.7 - 14.0 - 33.61.1 - 1.6 - 71.43.1
Pearson, Sean18.82.7 - - 18.0 - 41.22.7 - 9.6 - 27.81.2 - 2.7 - 45.55.5
Robertson, Ryan19.32.1 - - 10.8 - 48.82.5 - 5.5 - 45.26.2 - 8.1 - 77.04.2
Pugh, T.J.13.54.0 - - 10.4 - 46.10.5 - 1.0 - 44.43.5 - 7.1 - 49.25.6
Whatley, T.J.20.04.4 - - 17.8 - 25.01.1 - 7.8 - 14.310.0 - 12.2 - 81.84.4
Rayford, Calvin4.21.2 - - 4.2 - 48.00.0 - 0.3 - 0.00.2 - 1.5 - 11.14.1
Ransom, Steve20.04.6 - - 15.4 - 30.00.0 - 1.5 - 0.010.8 - 15.4 - 70.04.6
McGrath, C.B.11.60.0 - - 14.2 - 18.21.3 - 9.0 - 14.35.2 - 7.7 - 66.71.3
Team 1.7 - 3.1 0.2      
Jayhawks80.315.3 - 42.317.615.56.09.528.1 - 61.9 - 45.46.4 - 19.8 - 32.617.6 - 26.8 - 65.619.1
Opponents65.012.8 - 36.511.618. - 58.8 - 38.75.0 - 14.7 - 34.114.5 - 21.3 - 68.021.3

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Season summary

Specialty stats: Team stats | Team highs/lows | Individual highs | Pro-rated stats | Category leaders

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