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KU Basketball 1996-97

Season summary

Specialty stats: Team stats | Team highs/lows | Individual highs | Pro-rated stats | Category leaders

Pro-rated statistics
(per minute)

Pts OReb - TReb Ast TO Blk Stl FG - Att - Pct 3FG - Att - Pct FT - Att - Pct PF
LaFrentz, Raef0.6400.121 - 0.3220.0240.0610.0440.0320.251 - 0.429 - 58.40.001 - 0.006 - 16.70.137 - 0.181 - 76.10.092
Pierce, Paul0.5790.082 - 0.2400.0760.1070.0280.0600.212 - 0.435 - 48.80.033 - 0.070 - 46.50.122 - 0.171 - 71.70.097
Haase, Jerod0.4640.042 - 0.1410.1190.0970.0050.0720.151 - 0.305 - 49.50.036 - 0.100 - 36.60.125 - 0.178 - 70.50.079
Pollard, Scot0.4100.114 - 0.3300.0270.0600.1040.0500.134 - 0.254 - 52.80.001 - 0.001 - 100.00.141 - 0.199 - 70.70.097
Vaughn, Jacque0.3220.007 - 0.0760.1980.0780.0050.0560.096 - 0.226 - 42.70.022 - 0.066 - 33.30.107 - 0.138 - 77.90.073
Thomas, Billy0.4850.038 - 0.1120.0470.0650.0070.0470.169 - 0.422 - 40.10.127 - 0.311 - 41.00.019 - 0.026 - 73.30.047
Robertson, Ryan0.2460.026 - 0.0830.1510.0700.0110.0240.076 - 0.183 - 41.70.037 - 0.089 - 41.40.057 - 0.070 - 80.40.096
Pugh, T.J.0.3110.087 - 0.1800.0190.0680.0150.0150.117 - 0.216 - 53.90.002 - 0.017 - 14.30.075 - 0.146 - 51.70.143
Williams, B.J.0.1580.078 - 0.2180.0310.0450.0560.0580.061 - 0.144 - 42.40.000 - 0.002 - 0.00.036 - 0.080 - 45.10.106
Bradford, Nick0.3080.083 - 0.1700.0950.1420.0400.0430.130 - 0.324 - 40.20.012 - 0.087 - 13.60.036 - 0.099 - 36.00.154
Nooner, Terry0.5530.105 - 0.2110.0790.1580.0260.1050.211 - 0.526 - 40.00.105 - 0.316 - 33.30.026 - 0.053 - 50.00.053
Branstrom, Joel0.4440.089 - 0.1560.0670.1110.0440.0440.156 - 0.267 - 58.30.000 - 0.0000.133 - 0.311 - 42.90.133
Ransom, Steve0.4000.025 - 0.2000.0250.0500.0000.0250.150 - 0.400 - 37.50.000 - 0.025 - 0.00.100 - 0.100 - 100.00.175
McGrath, C.B.0.1570.037 - 0.2130.1760.0650.0000.0460.056 - 0.120 - 46.20.000 - 0.019 - 0.00.046 - 0.093 - 50.00.065
Team 0.046 - 0.074 0.004      
Jayhawks2.1020.385 - 1.0530.4110.3920.1530.2410.745 - 1.527 - 48.80.132 - 0.348 - 37.90.480 - 0.692 - 69.30.463
Opponents1.6360.298 - 0.7960.2930.4580.0780.2110.583 - 1.454 - 40.10.141 - 0.423 - 33.30.329 - 0.502 - 65.50.551

Pro-rated statistics
(per 40 minutes)

Pts OReb - TReb Ast TO Blk Stl FG - Att - Pct 3FG - Att - Pct FT - Att - Pct PF
LaFrentz, Raef25.64.8 - - 17.2 - 58.40.0 - 0.2 - 16.75.5 - 7.2 - 76.13.7
Pierce, Paul23.23.3 - - 17.4 - 48.81.3 - 2.8 - 46.54.9 - 6.8 - 71.73.9
Haase, Jerod18.51.7 - - 12.2 - 49.51.5 - 4.0 - 36.65.0 - 7.1 - 70.53.2
Pollard, Scot16.44.6 - - 10.1 - 52.80.1 - 0.1 - 100.05.6 - 8.0 - 70.73.9
Vaughn, Jacque12.90.3 - - 9.0 - 42.70.9 - 2.6 - 33.34.3 - 5.5 - 77.92.9
Thomas, Billy19.41.5 - - 16.9 - 40.15.1 - 12.4 - 41.00.8 - 1.0 - 73.31.9
Robertson, Ryan9.81.0 - - 7.3 - 41.71.5 - 3.5 - 41.42.3 - 2.8 - 80.43.9
Pugh, T.J.12.43.5 - - 8.6 - 53.90.1 - 0.7 - 14.33.0 - 5.8 - 51.75.7
Williams, B.J.6.33.1 - - 5.7 - 42.40.0 - 0.1 - 0.01.4 - 3.2 - 45.14.2
Bradford, Nick12.33.3 - - 13.0 - 40.20.5 - 3.5 - 13.61.4 - 4.0 - 36.06.2
Nooner, Terry22.14.2 - - 21.1 - 40.04.2 - 12.6 - 33.31.1 - 2.1 - 50.02.1
Branstrom, Joel17.83.6 - - 10.7 - 58.30.0 - 0.05.3 - 12.4 - 42.95.3
Ransom, Steve16.01.0 - - 16.0 - 37.50.0 - 1.0 - 0.04.0 - 4.0 - 100.07.0
McGrath, C.B.6.31.5 - - 4.8 - 46.20.0 - 0.7 - 0.01.9 - 3.7 - 50.02.6
Team 1.8 - 2.9 0.2      
Jayhawks84.115.4 - 42.116.415.76.19.629.8 - 61.1 - 48.85.3 - 13.9 - 37.919.2 - 27.7 - 69.318.5
Opponents65.411.9 - 31.811.718.33.18.423.3 - 58.2 - 40.15.6 - 16.9 - 33.313.2 - 20.1 - 65.522.0

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Season summary

Specialty stats: Team stats | Team highs/lows | Individual highs | Pro-rated stats | Category leaders

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