Terms of Service

updated 12-9-15


Users are welcome to register for an account to post on the forums.  You will need to provide a valid email address to verify the account, and for retrieving a lost username/password.  I also ask for your real name.  Your name and email address will never be visible to users of the site.

Please treat fellow posters with respect. has a zero tolerance policy for racism (even on the Politics board) and pornography.  Do not put them in your post or embedded as an image, etc., in your post.  Be careful when linking to material off-site.

Please watch your language.

Do not impersonate other users.  This includes intentionally registering with a username taken by someone else on the previous board or posting with someone else's account.  Do not "loan" your username/password to someone else.

Making your username look like a spammer is a bad idea.  It might get deleted before I realized you are a real person.

Do not post entire articles from another website.  You may link to it, paraphrase it, and even throw in a few quotes.

Do not be a troll.